Thursday, May 23, 2013

Media Arts Student Exhibition opens May 28
The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present the Media Arts Student Exhibition. This exhibition will feature many interesting and varied works submitted by the graduating students of the Media Arts Program.

The show runs from May 28 through June 13. The gallery is located in building 11 on the main campus of Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue in Eugene, OR. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541-463-5409.
Graphic Design Student Show opens May 28
The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present the annual Graphic Design Student Show. This exhibition will feature many interesting and varied portfolio pieces submitted by the graduating students of the Graphic Design Program.

The show runs from May 28 through June 13. A reception will be held on Wednesday, June 12, from 4-6 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public. The gallery is located in building 11 on the main campus of Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541-463-5409.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present the exhibition, Natural Selections, by regional artist Gigi Conot. Gigi has worked and studied on the west coast, including places such as Colorado and San Francisco before settling in Portland, Oregon.

When discussing the content of her photographic work within this exhibition, Conot spoke of the inspiration of nature: “I was living in a small studio in a very urban area, where plants and trees were confined to areas in the city that you had to make a point to travel to. I think it was almost a matter of deprivation, the more I missed nature the more I obsessed over it. I started going to the farmers market and looking at my produce very carefully, examining their shapes, leaves, contours and shadows. I began to see structural beauty that was truly unlike anything that you’ll find in a man-made object.

For more information, you can visit Gigi Conot’s website at:

The show runs from April 29th to May 23rd. A lecture will take place on Thursday, May 16th, beginning at 3:00 with a reception immediately following. The lecture and reception are free and open to the public. The gallery is located in building 11 on the main campus, 4000 E. 30th Avenue. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541-463-5409.

Bleeding Heart; Cicada; Tangled Weed

“OUT OF ROUND” - Justin Stuck AND Anna Stehle - opens may April 29

The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present “Out of Round”, a two-person show featuring artists and Lane Community College Studio Technicians, Justin Stuck and Anna Stehle. Justin works in the sculpture studio and Anna works in the ceramics studio within the Department of Art and Applied Design. The exhibition consists of both sculpture and ceramics, along with installation work.

When asked about his sculpture and the nature of this work, Justin stated, “I hope to appeal to the imagination, to that place within us, in which resides our images of reality and our images of life itself.  From there I hope to spark a different way of seeing the world, to bring about new and possibly different images for shaping our deeper understanding of the experience of life.”

The show runs from April 29th to May 23rdA lecture featuring both artists will be held on Monday, May 20th at 3:00 pm with a closing reception immediately following.

The gallery is located in building 11 on main campus, 4000 E. 30th Avenue in Eugene, Oregon. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541- 463-5409.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Paintings - Leslie Peterson, April 1 - 25

The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present the exhibition, Paintings, by regional artist Leslie Peterson. Leslie was born and raised in Portland and currently resides in Tualatin, Oregon.

“I work directly on wood panel (with acrylics), sometimes integrating collage. The colors are rich and yet subtle, based on a limited palette, working off of the color of the surface. My paintings are unquestionably contemporary, yet classic and accessible. In choosing snapshots and photographs that involve happenchance and unpretentious expression, I show how the mundane moments of life are rich with meaning. My style is transcendent of time or fashion, and evokes the essence of life and our ageless human existence.”

For more information, you can visit Leslie’s website at:

The show runs from April 1st to April 25th. A lecture will take place on Thursday, April 4th, beginning at 3:00 with a reception immediately following. The lecture and reception are free and open to the public. The gallery is located in Building 11 on the main campus of Lane Community College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541-463-5409.

Casual (acrylic on wood panel)
Florida (acrylic on wood panel)
Humbug State Park: The Park Ranger's Family (acrylic on wood panel)

8th Annual High School Art Show - April 1-25

The Lane Community College Art Gallery is proud to present our 8th Annual High School Art Show. This show is an invitational to area high schools in Lane County to share with our community, their young and upcoming art students.

Along with the exhibition, students who participate are eligible for awards and scholarships. Please come out to the main campus and show your support for our young artists.

The show runs from April 1nd to April 25th. An evening reception is being held on Thursday, April 11th from 5:30 to 7:00.

The gallery is located in building 11 on Lane Community College's main campus, 4000 E. 30th Avenue in Eugene, Oregon. There is no charge for admission. The Art and Applied Design Department phone number is 541-463-5409.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Susan Lowdermilk at CODEX 2013

Susan Lowdermilk, instructor of book arts and printmaking, had a booth at the Codex International Book Fair 2013 in San Francisco.  Held on February 10-13, over 182 of the world’s most distinguished book artists and artisans, private presses, and fine art publishers exhibited their art and craft.

Check out the website for CODEX:

"Is Print Dead? The CODEX International Book Fair" is the title of an article in the San Francisco Weekly.  One of Susan's books is featured in the photograph accompanying the article.

"Aviary" by Susan Lowdermilk and Tallmadge Doyle.