Friday, January 30, 2009

Malia Schultheis at Fenario Gallery

Malia Schultheis' first show, "An Equation of Meaning," features her most recent work. She began to devleop a style under the instruction of LCC Art Instructor J.S. Bird.

Schultheis writes: My winter show at Fenario Gallery, "An Equation of Meaning", is titled to claim my revelation of the real. It's a reflection of the part of existence that I embody (my observations and perceptions that speak to the souls of so many others). Furthermore, we as humans, create, manifest, mold, define, develop, destroy, and understand with an ever evolving consciousness. I endeavor to illustrate this human consciousnessas I experience it,with an attempted objectivity.

The show of new drawings and paintings will be at the Fenario Gallery, 881 Willamette, Eugene, from January 16 to February 29. For more information, contact the Fenario at 541.393.3333 or at

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