Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Student Work on Flickr

Student work created in a variety of classes in the Art and Applied Design Department is now available for viewing on the department's Flickr site.  The collections include work from Basic Design, Color, Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Book Arts, Printmaking, Fiber Arts, Sculpture and more.

Art Department - New Summer Location

The Art and Applied Design Department has moved to new quarters for the summer while it's home in Building 11 is undergoing renovation.  The department offices are now in the Music, Dance, and Theatre Department in Building 6.  The division coordinator, Mary Jo Kreindel, is now in building 6/133, 8:00 am-4:00pm, 541-463-5411 and the department assistant, Elizabeth Uhlig, is now in building 6/143, 1:00-5:00 pm at 541-463-5409.  The offices are open Monday - Thursday.  LCC is closed on Fridays during the summer.