Monday, July 20, 2009

In Memory of Thomas Rubick

Our friend and colleague Thomas Rubick, graphic design instructor, passed away on the morning of Sunday, July 19. His wife Jeane and family wrote that "The sun was up, and we sang 'Here Comes the Sun' to him. The light from behind his blue eyes is shining on us all."

Though we all knew this was coming, it is a tragic loss of one who gave so much to life through his art and teaching, his insistence on excellence, and his honest and insightful contributions to our work and community in the Arts and at Lane. We have all missed him greatly over the last year and now we will remember him always in our work and thoughts as we build on what he gave us.

Rick Williams, Dean, Division of the Arts


Danita Reynolds said...

Thomas was a great inspirational influence to many. His continual demand for a quality graphic design program at LCC has ranked him in the design industry as a champion.

I will always remember his passion for teaching and his love for art and his dry wit. I will miss him dearly.

Travis Mason-Bushman said...

Kyle Whelliston, a college basketball writer who calls Thomas his "sensei," has posted a moving memoriam on his personal journal.